Thursday, December 27, 2007

After all these Years!

Anniversaries are hard! What do you get your parents, people who have traveled everywhere, eaten at all the good places? This year i solved that problem with a great gift from A mezzuzah for their new home. I also used this great site for a wedding gift of an ahava tzedekah box.

Now, i have friends, and my partners in crime, who will be married 15 years this January! 15 years! Amazing! So now, what do i get them? While not a foodie, i enjoy a great meal in any city. I'm a huge fan of, I tried to trick my partner in crime and tell her that i had a friend traveling to Dallas for business and needed restaurant suggestions, but just couldn't seem to find anything I loved for them. And then i did what i'm great at, internet browsing! And i found it, my favorite restaurant in Vegas has opened up in Dallas and i'm sending them there for a hip dinner date for their anniversary. Good food, good wine and no little kids! Hopefully, once they go, they'll even post a photo of their dinner date and celebration of 15 years! So here's to you Liz and Adam, the gift certificate is on its way! Enjoy

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