Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sing Along all day long!

I am the internet queen. You want to know about someone or something, i'm your go to girl. I can find property records, divorce decrees, criminal infractions and obscure clothing lines. Every once in awhile my friends surprise me and come up with something i myself just didn't find. I am grateful to those friends, because they keep me grounded.

So i'd like to acknowledge my friend Barbara from for 2 great sites.

First, for those of you who love music, try out you can create your own music stations, genres etc., and play them all day long. I have hooked everyone in my office, and move from office to office listening to everyone's favorite picks. Sometimes i even sing along,

Second, for the shoppers out there, this is a goodie. wow, talk about down and dirty, you can search by state and find out which of your local stores don't pay for their goods and aren't responsible in their buying! OUCHHHHHHHHHH! No worries, B.Dazzled is not on those bad boy lists!

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