Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moxie the Dog

Many, many years ago long before my husband and I were even thinking about having children, we adopted a wonderful dog. She was a precious beagle/daschund mix that a dear friend dubbed a Rare Himalyan Deagle. She was an AMAZING dog. She died a year ago last August. For several months now, my husband and the children, occasionally have been trying to talk me into getting a new dog. I resisted. Arguing that I didn't need anything else in the house to clean up after and take care of. It was my mantra.

But Saturday, I took a temporary leave of my senses and suggested to my husband that we go and take a look at a dog some neighbors had taken in and now were trying to find a home for. Needless to say, one look at that sweet face and it was all over.

We called her Sweetie for a few days, but I realized that not only did it not really fit, but couldn't imagine 10+ years of calling the dog Sweetie. And so, Sweetie became Moxie. And for better or for worse she has come to stay.

She got a great report from the vet, and as soon as she stops chewing on everything, I think we'll have a wonderful relationship. But I will say this, it is nice to have a dog in the house again.

1 comment:

doggie mamma said...

Mazel Tov on your new addition! I have no doubt Moxie will be happy in her new home and give you and the kids many years of wonderful love and happiness!