Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009, full steam ahead!

Happy New Year! I actually like New Years Day, much better than New Years Eve. I like to stay home, enjoy the peace and quiet, clean out the old, organize the new and get ready for the new days ahead. I don't believe in resolutions, mainly because I seem to break them much faster than the time it took me to come up with them. I'll make some general goals, which i'll share with you. Get to the gym more often, don't sweat the small stuff, release negative energy, don't surround myself with people who either stress me out or just make me feel bad, stop and smell the fresh air, aprreciate each day, BLOG MORE!

In honesty, i feel like New Years Day is my day at the Ashram, no talking, no working, no stressing, just being, just flopping in bed, reading the paper, reading a book, decluttering the mind and soul!

I hope you had the same type of day!

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