Sunday, March 16, 2008

Its enough to never take medicine

So i hate to tell you, i'm stuck this week with a UTI. Never had one before, which when i told the Dr., and the Nurse, they were amazed that this curse had never befallen me before. In any event, i'm a total hypochondriac. So after i picked up my prescription at Walgreens, i decided to see how much money i'd saved with insurance. Yes, i'm a geek, i enjoy always tearing off the facesheet and reading how much money i saved on medication (makes me believe i can go spend it on shoes). But, after i read about the savings, i turn to the side effects. Now, i have to tell you, i'm a pretty smart chick, but. . . when you read the side effects, my g-d you stop and think, should i ever take medicine again? Shortness of breath, rash, fever, sore throat, blackening of the stool, diahrea, abdominal cramping, fatigue. . . Shoud I continue or are you getting the picture? Basically if you take medication you will get a whole new host of symptoms and illnesses. Do they want to scare us to death? So you go home, you take the medication and wait, do i feel my pulse racing? is my throat scratchy? is that a rash on my stomach?


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