Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Less is More in so many ways!

Less is More really holds true on so many levels. First, less is more always when it comes to clothes and shoes and bags. I mean, i'd much rather have less crap and more of the good stuff! Think expensive shoes, good black dress and bag, beautiful pearls and a pair of fab boots.

But less is more holds true to purge the extra in your life that really doesn't give you much. Recently I parted with a friend, actually let me rephrase that, we had been friends, the kind who laughed, went to dinner, shopped. And then that friend did something that really clued me in that we weren't friends, and that's ok, but when I realized I wasn't getting much out of the situation and that all she really created for me was work, I was honest enough to say, maybe we shouldn't be friends because really its just a facade.

So here's to cleaning out your closets and looking at your list of friends and remembering its quality in life that matters in all aspects, not quantity!

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