Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My commentary!

For those of you that know me, i mean really know me, you've seen that i've been quite the political pundit on facebook of late! I don't normally pay too much attention to politics, i much prefer to talk about shoes, tv, movies and sex when i'm out to dinner, but the 2008 election campaign has me in a TIZZY!

First, let me say i'm a registered independent, i've voted for republicans, i've voted for democrats, and on the whole i'd say while I have liberal beliefs on some issues, I have very conservative beliefs on other issues. I'm pretty well balanced in that respect.

Let me also say, I completely understand that there are people out there who vote party lines no matter what, who are big business and stand to pay tons in taxes and so they vote republican, and there are people who are out in the trenches everyday fighting for the little guy and they vote democrat!

What i don't understand and can not even begin to comprehend is the people out there who aren't evangelical regligious fanatics who are going to tell me that Sarah Palin is a remarkable woman! What is remarkable about her is that she has chosen for forego the privacy of her pregnant teenage daughter and her teenage boyfriend turned fiancee so that she can be the vice presidential nominee. Additionally, it is remarkable that this "self proclaimed friend and advocate for special needs children" isn't spending the formidable months caring for her newborn child who has the bad fortune of having downs syndrome. The ultimate remarkable trait is the belief system she follows- pro-life, anti-gay rights, no ban on assault weapsons, and she loudly proclaims that her decisions are not only based in her faith but that our being in Iraq is a task from G-d! In August the leader of Jews for Jesus, was invited to speak to the faithful at the Wasilla Bible Church, Sarah Palin's fundamentalist congregation.
In his talk at Wasilla on August 17, 2008, with Palin in the audience, Brickner described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" on Jews who have not converted to Christianity.

I'm also tired of hearing about her executive experience. From what i've read, she left Wasilla $22 million in debt, she never had a passport until 2007, she's under investigation in at least 2 seperate misconduct investigations in Alaska and she milked Alaska for 312 days of per diem expenses when she was in actuality at home on her sofa!

So if you want to vote republican, be my guest, but don't tell me its because Sarah Palin is remarkable or that she has any ability to lead a country if need be!

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