Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Cuts- This time its Salary

I'm addicted to the internet and all its subcategories, email, facebook,google! But i also love to read the newspaper, even though by the time i get to the newspaper at night, i've seen much of the news already from browsing online during the day.

This past week there was an article that I dound very disturbing. The Miami Herald is letting 205 employees go by July 1, 2009. They are allowing the people to retire and take severance and if they don't do that then the company will decide who goes. The BIGGER and UGLIER news is that all remaining employees will take paycuts. If you make under $50,000 you will get a 3% pay cut and if you make over $50,000 you will get a 5% paycut. Oh yes and the newspaper will shrink the margins by an inch so we get less news! I have a friend at a major medical institution and she also told me that the institution is facing huge deficits and one of the options is for employees to have their pay reduced! The School Board in Miami is still trying to negotiate teachers taking 3 furlough days without pay!

Now I try to put this into context, things cost more, people need to pay for daycare, after care, gas, and one of the current OBAMA cabinet members has said that pay has not risen at an appropriate rate for workers and now Companies have decided that the way to fix their financial problems is to give less money to the people who work hard every day!

Something is very wrong with this picture!

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