Monday, September 28, 2009
Dating Fall Television
Sunday, September 27, 2009
when 3 inches is considered huge!
Don't believe people who say size doesn't matter, it does! And in this case 3 inches was HUGE! Friday night baby g, my infamous silver tabby was running around my room like a maniac talking away. Well she'd found something and it was a 3 inch palmetto bug! HUGE! FREAKIN HUGE! Now, at least this cat is smarter than my first cat Lipstick. Lipstick once saw a bug and ran under the bed. This time I got a cat who could find and chase the bug but failed to get it!!!!!! I started to sweat, scooped up the cat and armed myself with scrubbing bubbles and a broom. i have no idea what i thought the scrubbing bubbles would accomplish but I had it. Then I called security, not sure what I thought they would do! So here's how it played out. Security showed up and the nice gentleman looked more scared than me. He couldn't find it, he suggested roach spray, a real genius! What i can't figure out is how that damn bug ended up on the 9th floor of a high rise building. I slept on the couch friday night, better than i'd slept in a week I might add. Saturday included a trip to TARGET for roach traps and roach spray. My room is now booby trapped for that damn palmetto bug, traps in every corner, spray along all the baseboards!
Hopefully i'll be back to sleeping in my bed soon. Because i'm dreaming about bugs, which is not a good thing! I wonder how long the palmetto can last inside. I googled the bug, which turned out to be worse than googling an illness because then i feared that the palmetto was pregnant and laying eggs!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Some days everything doesn't come up roses and daffidols!
It's the Jewish Holidays. Time to start a new, repent, ask for forgiveness and the time to determine who shall be inscribed in the book of life. In the last two weeks I've been directed to the blogs of 2 friends of friends who have recently been diagnosed with and are fighting cancer. It makes me sad, no one deserves to get sick or have bad things happen to them. When I read their stories i am so inspired by the strength they personfiy when faced with the reality of literally fighting for their lives. I have them in my thoughts and prayers, and now on my favorite websites so i can follow their journey and root them on each step of the way! I'm a firm believer in paying it forward and every little bit counts!
So while in Gypsy everything was coming up roses and daffidols, not so much today!
Here's to a sweet new year for everyone I know!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My fear of looking like a farmer!
It's that time of year again, actually that time of year happens twice a year for me. May and September. I go to New York and I dread the thought of what to pack, what to wear and sticking out like a farmer from Kansas. I like to think i'm pretty fashionable, but here in Miami it's 88 degrees on a cool day in September. It's not that it's cold in NY right now, but they are ready for fall, labor day is over and they are in transitional clothing and the women all look SO RIGHT! I fret about do i wear short sleeves and stick out, will I be hot in long sleeves, do i layer or is layering so 2008? Do i stick with basic black and white or do i go for fall color? Are they wearing fall color yet in NY? Do i focus on the accessories so that the clothes aren't the focus?
It never fails, i have the same problem in May, long sleeves, shortsleeves, light colors, what fabrics?
Here's the truth, NO ONE IS LOOKING AT ME, and this is all in my own mind, but it's stressful nonetheless.
Off to pack!