Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm officially old!

I never feel old, in fact there are some days that i feel exactly the same as I did in high school or college. What finally kicked in the reality that i'm old, wasn't a birthday or a trip to the Dr.

I found a few strands of GREY HAIR!

I'm frantic, that's the telltale sign that i'm old. Now don't be mistaken, i've been highlighting, coloring, cellophaning my hair for years, to get that perfect shade of brown, honey, chestnut or whatever color du jour is on my mind! BUT NEVER, have i had to color to hide grey!

It happened in the car. I was looking in the mirror on my sunshield and i noticed light strands near my hairline. Odd, since my hair is a deep chestnut red at this point. I sped to the salon and ran right to my hairdresser so he could inspect! He confirmed my worst nightmare, i do in fact have grey hair!

Its all downhill from here!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Fall TV interviews!

Every fall there is a tradition in my house, I interview all the new shows to determine if they will make my TV lineup! I should note that I only watch 1 hour shows, with the exception of The Hills, Entourage and Californication!

I thought I'd had fall all lined up, I'd added, The Ex-List, The Starter Wife, Raising the Bar and 90210! I'm proud to say i don't really watch reality tv. Never seen American Idol, Dancing with Stars, etc.

BUT, i found a delicious frivolous show the other night and i'm hooked! The Real Housewives of Atlanta! Now here we have 4 exquisite afro-american women, and one blonde bombshell who spend, spend spend and live in CRAZY homes! They don't know from recession! Two are married to professional sports players, one in the process of a divorce from a sports player and the Double DD blonde has a sugardaddy named BIG POPPA!

Oh you must watch this show!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chasing It!

That fall cold! ARgghhhh! Today has included Zicam, cough drops, dayquil and robittusin, not to mention, pouring liquid vitamin C down my system! And all this to still feel tired and congested. Hate that feeling, you know the cold is coming, you can feel it in the throat and the nose and yet, there is no runny drippy nose yet, no coughing or full blown sore throat, its just a general malalaise! (I love the word malalaise, especially when i get to use it!)

I tried chicken soup yesterday, although does oodles of noodles in chicken flavor really count as chicken soup?

I'm home to nurse the cold with yesterday's episodes of gossip girl and the hills!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Trying to Balance the Budget! But seeing GREEN!

I'm trying to balance the budget, not the greater budget of all Americans but the budget Chez Moi! Every month just when i think i'm ahead and there is actually money in the bank, i find a surprise! Sometimes the surprise is related to a flat tire, or others to an assessment for the new glass balconies in my buildings (which by the way, while beatuiful are over 2 years in the construction stage). I often find i rob peter to pay paul! And then there are the days when the budget is balanced and something catches my eye. This week the culprit is GREEN, no not money green, handbag green! I have an obsession with green, it started with these beautiful green patent marc by marc jacobs high heeled loafers! I have fought that urge! But just when i had fortitude in my strength something new and green turned up! I'll keep you posted but this might have to be mine!