Monday, March 24, 2008

Facebook frenzy

I have a new obsession, FACEBOOK. My friend Missy invited me to be her friend and ever since then, i can't get enough. Now, i'm not that enthralled with the applications and games and music type features. What truly reals me in is the 6 degrees of seperation aspect of it. So far i have 82 friends. Some are people I haven't seen since elementary school or high school and others are neighbors and business accquainances. What's most amazing is how somehow someone I know can be linked to someone I once knew and poof with the click of an invite key i'm re-connected.

I also sometimes feel like a cyber stalker, looking at profiles of people i know and then at their list of friends and so on and so on, kinda like the old shampoo commercial, she told a friend who told 2 friends and so on and so on. I can also watch and see who my current fling is friends with and when he signed on.

The largest group i've connected with is people from college, in fact, some people i only knew in passing in college but somehow here in cyberspace we've become connected and friends. I also am mesmerized by the adoption of a beautiful little girl from China, by a high school classmate!

It all just boils down to another site for me to check every morning before work, and another reason i'm always running late!

Everything on Easter

On Saturday night I realized almost everything would be closed on Easter, even the grocery store would be closed so the usual sunday trip had to be pushed up. Great, sunday would be a sleep in day, with no errands to run and time just for me. Well, as murphy's law would have it, i awoke at 8:15 am and couldn't fall back to sleep. By 11:00 i was desperate for some activity and headed to walgreens. Let me tell you, Walgreens looked like Bloomingdales on the day after thanksgiving, it was PACKED! We never realize how used to modern life we are, the ability to run to the mall, the grocery store, the cleaners, the deli etc., whenever we want.

Easter is a bummer of a holiday for the Jews, because unlike Christmas when we head to the movies and eat chinese food, we don't have much to do on easter. And to top it off, here in sunny south florida it rained all day!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Its enough to never take medicine

So i hate to tell you, i'm stuck this week with a UTI. Never had one before, which when i told the Dr., and the Nurse, they were amazed that this curse had never befallen me before. In any event, i'm a total hypochondriac. So after i picked up my prescription at Walgreens, i decided to see how much money i'd saved with insurance. Yes, i'm a geek, i enjoy always tearing off the facesheet and reading how much money i saved on medication (makes me believe i can go spend it on shoes). But, after i read about the savings, i turn to the side effects. Now, i have to tell you, i'm a pretty smart chick, but. . . when you read the side effects, my g-d you stop and think, should i ever take medicine again? Shortness of breath, rash, fever, sore throat, blackening of the stool, diahrea, abdominal cramping, fatigue. . . Shoud I continue or are you getting the picture? Basically if you take medication you will get a whole new host of symptoms and illnesses. Do they want to scare us to death? So you go home, you take the medication and wait, do i feel my pulse racing? is my throat scratchy? is that a rash on my stomach?


Saturday, March 8, 2008

All things Baby!

I went to visit my friend Lisa yesterday, and her new son. Adam was beautiful and tiny and so peaceful while he slept! I don't hold babies until they are 9 months old, EVER! Its a hard and fast rule of mine, i'm afraid i'll drop the tiny perfect creatures, who weigh less than my cat. 9 months seems like a time when they will have a little weight on them and have the ability to look you in the eye, smile, coo or scream but at least give you some indication that everything you are doing is ok.

In any event, a true shopper, can find shopping love in everything. And being a true shopper, instead of looking at shoes and shirts on this visit to my friends' apartment, we admired all things baby. Beautiful frames, ralph lauren onesies, trumpette socks
framed art work and magnificent burpie clothes. Of course, Lisa sent me home with a list of websites that i spent all night scouring, amazed at everything. Now if i just had more friends having babies!