Anniversaries are hard! What do you get your parents, people who have traveled everywhere, eaten at all the good places? This year i solved that problem with a great gift from A mezzuzah for their new home. I also used this great site for a wedding gift of an ahava tzedekah box.
Now, i have friends, and my partners in crime, who will be married 15 years this January! 15 years! Amazing! So now, what do i get them? While not a foodie, i enjoy a great meal in any city. I'm a huge fan of, I tried to trick my partner in crime and tell her that i had a friend traveling to Dallas for business and needed restaurant suggestions, but just couldn't seem to find anything I loved for them. And then i did what i'm great at, internet browsing! And i found it, my favorite restaurant in Vegas has opened up in Dallas and i'm sending them there for a hip dinner date for their anniversary. Good food, good wine and no little kids! Hopefully, once they go, they'll even post a photo of their dinner date and celebration of 15 years! So here's to you Liz and Adam, the gift certificate is on its way! Enjoy
Thursday, December 27, 2007
After all these Years!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
In search of a better job title
Most people would call me a stay-at-home mom. I suppose I meet all the necessary criteria. I am the primary caregiver for my two young children. I employ no nanny or even a regular babysitter, and I have no paid employment. So, stay-at-home mom would seem to fit. Except for one thing, I absolutely loathe that expression.
For one thing, I find it to be a highly inaccurate description. Seriously. I spend very few daylight hours actually in my home. Stay-in-the-car mom is more like it. That is where you are most likely to catch me. Either driving to school, waiting in carpool, running an errand, etc. Hmmm errands. How about back-at-Target mom? Not crazy about that either.
Another good one people like to use is full-time mom. As if there was such a thing as a part-time mom.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Out with the Old!
So, it's that time of year, we purge our lives and our closets and make a list of all the things we want to do next year and all the things we no longer want to do. It's Christmas day and i've been home fighting a cold for three days. In anticipation of a friend from college making her annual New Years Eve trip to visit, i've spent the last three days PURGING! It 's hard enough purging my personal clutter but now i have to purge the clutter of I swear i've dumped at least 27 bags of garbage and I only live in a 2 bedroom condo. So, my first resolution for next year is to buy less stuff. Less stuff for myself and less junk to sell! I really do believe that saying, "Less is More," now if i can only put it into practice.
I envy the women who always look like a million bucks, I have a friend like that. No matter what she wears, she looks perfect for the occasion. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH, she picks me up to go shopping and i look like a rag and she looks ever so perfect without the least bit of effort. I pick her up for thursday night girls dinner, i'm disheveled from a long day of work and she is in the perfect girls night out chic outfit. Even her closets are perfect thanks to Never will i be that organized and perfectly ready for every event!
But i can try!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas
Here in sunny south florida, it hardly looks like Christmas. Just yesterday i went to the grocery store and it was sunny, 80's and the people sitting outside collecting money for the less fortunate were wearing shorts and a tank top. I miss Christmas with snow and hot chocolate. Luckily for me, I'm heading up to NYC the first week in January for the spring tradeshows, so i'll get my taste of cold air, hot apple cider and slushy new york sidewalks. This trip to NYC will include dinner at BLT Steak, a stop on broadway to see Young Frankenstein and a stay at Ian Schraeger's Paramount Hotel I'm partial to a few other hotels, but rates are SKY HIGH this winter.
As my partner in crime on this blog likes to point out, I am not the creative writer of this dynamic duo. Bear with me, while perhaps not as creative, i certainly will let you know the hot spots to visit when you travel, the up and coming shops, designers, website and clothes to wear. I might even throw in a story or two about the trials and tribulations of being single in miami.
Stay tuned, this blog will be full of fashion and fun tips, and most importantly, Just to Mention It will be real!
Gosh, can you believe it's almost 2008?! As the new year starts, I am starting some new things as well, namely this blog, which my great friend Robin and I will be writing together.
Robin and I were friends in college, but then lost touch only to reconnect many years later at the wedding of a mutual friend. It was as if no time had passed at all, and we were able to instantly pick up where we left off. Don't you just love friendships like that? That was almost 8 years ago, and we have been in pretty much constant contact since them. And although we live half-way across the country from each other, I consider Robin one of my closest friends.
Our renewed friendship also led to the creation of A fun little online boutique that combines Robin's fashion savvy, my knack for writing and my husband's mad web skills. If you are interested in checking out the store, now is a really good time because we have just discounted a lot of great pieces.
Do you have friends you have lost touch with? I have been reconnecting with so many people from my past lately at places like Facebook and Linked In. It is great fun, but unfortunately, I think I have been spending a little too much time on the computer at the expense of household chores. My New Year's cards are still waiting to be addressed and mailed.
With that said, I think I need to unplug for a little bit now and attend to other issues. So, Good Bye for now and best wishes to you for the New Year.